et pour finir, Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire
Suivi de deux autres : Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dungeons of Golarion
et enfin ,Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic....
Today you'll get a big update 'cause I completely forgot to publish all my latest illustrations for Pathfinder, it begins in the order with the last three episodes of "Carrion Crown" with: Pathfinder Adventure Path # 46: Wake of The Watcher, Pathfinder Adventure Path # 47: Ashes at Dawn
and finally, Pathfinder Adventure Path # 48: Shadows of Gallowspire
Followed by two others: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dungeons of Golarion
and finally, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic ....
Le blog est resté inactif pas mal de temps depuis plusieurs semaines et ce, à cause de mon taf sur Paris qui se trouve être LE job dont je revais! D'autres posts arriveront surement bientôt...
The blog has been inactive for several weeks because of my job in Paris who is THE job i was looking for! Other posts coming soon ... Take care